3d smart tv

LG 發表2012年 款CINEMA 3D Smart TV 產品,全面配備 Triple XD Enging 影像引擎,新旗艦採用奈米級直下式 LED 背光源模組,並具備微像素區域控制技術,強打3D畫面不閃爍議題,內建多項 3D 影像處理技術功能。亦具有多元的網路應用機能,以及動感遙控器等 ...

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  • LG 發表2012年 款CINEMA 3D Smart TV 產品,全面配備 Triple XD Enging 影像引擎,新旗艦採用奈米級直下式 LED 背光源模組,並具備微像素區...
    2012 LG CINEMA 3D Smart TV,無邊框 3D 旗艦領軍登場 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西
  • Smart TVs are Internet-ready televisions that offer easy online access. With LG 3D Smart T...
    3D Smart TVs: Discover LG Smart 3D TV | LG UAE
  • Shop Best Buy for 3D TVs, including 4K UHD TVs, curved TVs, Smart TVs and more. ... LED - ...
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  • LG's 3D OLED 4K and 4K Ultra HD TVs boast lifelike images that leap off the screen, pl...
    3D TVs: Compare LG's 3D 4K, Smart & OLED TVs | LG USA
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    Amazon.com: 3d smart tv: Electronics
  • Get information on the LG 32LW5500 Cinema 3D Smart TV. Find more 電視from LG Electronics HK_...
    LG 32LW5500 電視- Cinema 3D Smart TV - LG Electronics HK_CN
  • Get information on the LG 427LW5500 Cinema 3D Smart TV. Find more 電視from LG Electronics HK...
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  • Get information on the LG 42LW6500 Cinema 3D Smart TV. Find more 電視from LG Electronics HK_...
    LG 42LW6500 電視- Cinema 3D Smart TV - LG Electronics HK_CN
  • Get information on the LG 72LZ9900 Cinema 3D Smart TV. Find more 電視from LG Electronics HK_...
    LG 72LZ9900 電視- Cinema 3D Smart TV - LG Electronics HK_CN
  • Conocé en detalle todas las características del LG Cinema 3D Smart TV junto a Nicolás Maga...
    LG Cinema 3D Smart TV - YouTube
  • LG CINEMA 3D Smart TV brings you the real smart viewing experience! See the video to find ...
    LG CINEMA 3D Smart TV Intro Video - YouTube
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